Race Day Information
Remember to complete the Catamount wavier before the race! Link here.
‼ Important: For real-time updates about the race, join our Mid-Atlantic Race Day Communications WhatsApp group.
Start Lists: The start list will be shared on WhatsApp. Second run will be reverse order within age class.
Detailed Logistics and Schedule: Link to race information sheet
Check In/Registration Notes: We will have your loaner bibs, or a bib you may have purchased at registration/checkin as well as tickets if you do not have a pass that works at Catamount. Please remember your bibs!!
Race Schedule: Refer to the race information sheet for details.
Mountain Information
Race Trail: Alley Cat
Catamount Mountain Trail Map: PDF Link
Lift Spin Times: The quad has a 9 min turnaround time without lift lines.
Suggested Warm-up Trails: Glade or Sidewinder